Friday, May 1, 2009

I Heart Jillian!

Yes, I know the title of my post is curious, but you see I have alot of making up to do with Jillian. Because, frankly, I called her everything I could think of yesterday while I was doing Day 1 of the Shred. I told someone yesterday that I would HAVE to go back today and do it because I needed to apologize!

Seriously, ya'll, there was loud screaming in my playroom while I was doing jumping jacks for the first time in years and crunching abs that haven't seen much more than a bend since childbirth! Then I gave up screaming at Jillian and just began to call upon The Name! Yes, I begged Jesus to help me get through it. And He did!! I finished all 20 minutes with only a few short breaks to catch my breath. Considering I wasn't feeling well yesterday, I was amazed that I got through it.

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26)

Or better yet, here is my paraphrase of that verse:

"With a woman who has spent the last 16 years of her life eating any and everything that she has ever wanted, had two pregnancies and never tried to work off the excess pounds and wondered how the 80 something pounds packed on -- the 30 DAY SHRED IS IMPOSSIBLE, but WITH GOD even Jillian Michaels kicking your ever-widening butt for 20 minutes every day is possible!"

And so I'm about to head upstairs for Day Two.

But I go with this in mind...

I love the LORD for many reasons, but today I'm thankful for an "all things are possible" kind of LORD!!



  1. Day two is tough, but you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel on day 3. I can actually see myself workin up to level 2 - crazy but true. Days 1 & 2 I never thought I would get through level 1!!! But I got through with NO BREAKS on day 3!

    You can do this! We are here for ya Baby!

    Becky Jo

  2. Yaaaay! One day at a time! That's what I keep saying! We can do this thing! We're going to feel SO good!
